
& Analysis
specifically for the Wine Industry

We Provide Modern Solutions For the World’s Most Iconic Industry

Ruetd (Roo-ted)provides an integrated environment and stand-alone solution for your data.

With Ruetd you can access your data in context with your Farm Plan so you have all of the details - Financials, Weather, Activities, Labor, Soil Type - all in real time and making processes easier such as : Compliance, Certifications and predicting Yield & Labor costs.

Balance Tradition with Technology

Our Data-Driven Approach to the Wine Industry’s Most Common Problems

  • Ruetd delves deep with a tailored discovery process, ensuring every vineyard and winery's distinct challenges are understood and primed for data-driven solutions.

    This includes interviews with key stakeholders in your company and to ensure a wholistic understanding we include everybody - operations, crews, and your executive team.

  • Whether it’s walking the vineyard with you or sitting in your office going over your data, we’re with you every step of the way. Ruetd provides user friendly vineyard measuring & data tools, meticulously gathering insights specific to your farming and winemaking operations.

    Our proprietary Vineyard Intelligence then sifts through this data, uncovering patterns and unveiling golden opportunities for optimization and problem-solving.

  • Ruetd's solutions automate data driven reports, unearthing hidden patterns, trends and undiscovered avenues for optimization.

    We eliminate the need for repetitive data entry with our integrated suite of tools.

  • Ruetd crafts meticulous strategies from unveiled opportunities, guiding clients through tailored solutions that amplify operations, trim costs, and bolster market positioning.

    It's not just about finding solutions, but about forging a roadmap to revenue growth, enhancing marketing, and sculpting a richer brand narrative.

Our Services Scale Your Success

  • Vineyard Intelligence

    Vineyard Intelligence analyzes the intricacies of your vineyard, leveraging data-driven insights to optimize growth, yield, and wine quality.

  • Farm Planning

    Farm Planning crafts strategies, fusing traditional viticulture with modern data analytics to elevate grape cultivation and yield.

  • Special Projects

    Our Special Projects offer tailored, data-backed solutions for unique challenges, ensuring vineyards and wineries achieve their objectives with precision.

How Our Partners Benefit

Our Partners